Puerto Verde, Lago Todos Los Santos

Los Lagos, Puerto Montt
CLLos LagosLlanquihuePuerto Montt


COD: CSIR-486297-110158676
Agrícola en Venta


UF 95.000


Superficie Total

60 Ha


Puerto Montt


Serenity and relaxation are guaranteed on this 58 hectares property on the turquoise waters of Todos Los Santos Lake, one of Chile"s jewels. This glaciar water lake is a sought after destination for nature lovers and is surrounded by Vicente Perez Rosales Park. This exclusive opportunity offers two private beaches on 1.8 kms of shoreline, lush vegetation, native forests, and snow capped views of three volcanoes (Osorno, Puntiagudo, and Tronador). Located only 70 Kms away from Puerto Varas. Current owners have made a large investment in order to condition the property, fencing, clearing of pampas, and a new dock have been added. The scenery is commanded by now capped volcanoes, sweet- smelling forests, and constantly shifting colors of the lake.



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  • Sospecha si el precio te parece demasiado barato como para ser cierto.

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Publicado por

Javier Contreras

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